Thank you for choosing Mothers as a business partner.
We take pride in supporting brands and products of the Highest Quality. Our Brand Partners share our integrity and commitment to support the health and education of our community. We encourage our Vendors to source local, Organic, Non-GMO, sustainable, Biodynamic and/or Regenerative Farmed ingredients that cater to multiple dietary preferences. Our High standard ensures our shelves are free of Synthetic, Artificial, and Refined ingredients.
To submit your product for review, please complete the submission form. New product review can take up to 60 days or longer due to the high volume of submissions. Once reviewed, you will be notified if your product is approved or declined. Please know our stores and office team members do not have the ability to confirm your submission status.
Thank you in advance.
(Please review “vendors policies” and “FAQ” documents before filling out our submission form.)