How do I check the status of the items that I sent for capture/recapture?

The complete capture process spans 2 to 4 weeks from receipt of live products. If it has been longer than 4 weeks since your tracked item was received by the studio, please consider the following before submitting an inquiry to our team. 1) Products without UPC barcodes or incorrect barcodes on the package, as well […]

How can I make my item Private?

An item can be made private under the “Product Edit” screen of a product. By doing so, you will remove all visibilty to this product from all trading partners. If you wish to have only desired trading partners have access to your product images/data, there is a visibilty option for “Only if Shared”.

How can I add other users?

If you have Adminstrator permissions for your company, you are welcome to add additional users. Detailed instructions can be found in our Help Center under the article for “Company Contacts”. A Quick Reference Guide is also available upon request.

I see an old version of my item in RIVIR, what do I do?

Items sync from the IX-ONE Exchange to RIVIR overnight once it has been recaptured, however, in the event that it was updated prior to the sync going live, please let our support team know and we can freshly import your items to make sure they are up to date.

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